Moving day tips, property law changes, helpful advice...

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New Year, New Home?

Is this the year for a new home? The idea of a new home can be very exciting but there’s a lot to consider and plan for. Here are 10 steps to shed some light on what to expect in your new home journey.

10 top tips to reduce your energy use

Whether you’re moving in to a new home, or changing the one you are in, we’d all love to see our energy consumption go down. Here’s our top 10 tips to help you save some money and live a little greener.

How to choose a conveyancer you can trust

Buying or selling your house can be one of the biggest transactions of your life. Make sure you have a trustworthy conveyancer on your side to avoid taking unnecessary risks.

8 common mistakes home buyers make

You are looking to buy your first home but its turning out harder than you think. Make sure you avoid these common mistakes when you are house hunting for your dream home.

What is digital conveyancing?

The new way of conveyancing. Smart, simple and secure. Our article explains the transformation conveyancing is going through from traditional to paperless and digital.

Cooling off periods explained

With all the pressures around buying a house, its easy to make the wrong decision in the heat of the moment. Or possibly your circumstances have changed after you signed a contract? You may still be able to change your mind.

Babyproofing your home

Our new mum and experienced property conveyancer Jodi gives you her top baby proofing tips after her little toddler went from crawling to household detective. Your guide to baby-proofing your home.